InfoVeg TV provides growers with a unique insight into vegetable and potato R&D. Each edition includes interviews with researchers who are conducting projects funded by Hort Innovation using the vegetable and potato research and development levies and funds from the Australian government, as well as interviews with other industry representatives and stakeholders about what this R&D means for the industry.
Episode | Topic | Synopsis |
19 | Harvest to Home Dashboard | A walk-through of the levy-funded Harvest to Home Dashboard that uses data collated from Nielsen’s Homescan panel. |
18 | Navigating soil health in potato production | An overview of a levy-funded project undertaken by the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, providing potato growers with high quality research, information and resources. |
17 | Vegetable Strategic Investment Plan | An oversight of Hort Innovation’s Strategic Investment Plan for the Australian vegetable industry. The plan includes clear and measurable goals to ensure strategic levy investments align with the industry’s vision for the future. |
16 | Integrated Pest Management | A look at how growers can use chemical, biological and cultural management techniques to form a unified crop-protection system as part of an Integrated Pest Management strategy. |
15 | Vegetable leafminer | Details on the levy-funded project helping the vegetable industry prepare for the spread of the vegetable leafminer. |
14 | Tomato potato psyllid – T2M plan | An exploration of the plan helping to transition the response to TPP to the management phase, produced in collaboration with DPIRD WA. |
13 | Exporting in the Australian vegetable industry | A look at export programs in the vegetable industry, including an interview with grower Chris Schreurs. |
12 | How your potato levy is invested | An animated video showing how the fresh potato levy is invested by Hort Innovation into projects for the industry. |
11 | How your vegetable levy is invested | An animated video showing how the vegetable levy is invested by Hort Innovation into projects for the industry. |
10 | Fresh Potato Strategic Investment Plan | An insight into the Strategic Investment Plan for the fresh potato industry including the consultation process and planned outcomes. |
9 | Vegetables Australia and Potatoes Australia | A look at the industry publications produced by AUSVEG and how they deliver benefits to the industry. |
8 | Soil Wealth and ICP | An inside look at the Soil Wealth and Integrated Crop Protection projects. |
7 | VegInnovations Day | VegInnovations Day held at Monash University’s Food Innovation Centre. |
6 | Vegetable product development | Insights and experience in innovative vegetable product development. |
5 | InfoVeg Database – Vegetable | A step-by-step guide through the InfoVeg Database for vegetable research reports. |
4 | InfoVeg Database – Potato | A step-by-step guide through the InfoVeg Database for potato research reports. |
3 | Growing Leaders | Growing Leaders is the vegetable industry leadership development program funded by Hort Innovation using grower levies and funds from the Australian government. |
2 | VegNET | VegNET is the vegetable industry’s extension program, communicating research delivered by Hort Innovation using grower levies and funds from the Australian Government. |
1 | PreDicta Pt | PreDicta Pt is a DNA-based soil testing service for potato growers which can help to identify whether certain soilborne pathogens pose a significant risk to potato crops prior to planting. |
This project has been funded by Hort Innovation, using the vegetable research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture. |