Foodservice foundational market insights
5 August 2022National vegetable industry communications program
1 September 2022This investment ensures the onion industry is equipped with the information and resources they need to adopt best management practices. Onion growers will be brought into the existing VegNET 3.0 program for the vegetable industry to support increased awareness and adoption of R&D.
VegNET is a nationally-coordinated, regionally-delivered extension program that increases the industry’s awareness of and engagement with best practices in high-priority areas. The program has regional development officers (RDOs) in ten key vegetable-growing regions around Australia.
A vital component of the program is the establishment of five regionally-based onion grower groups in Tasmania, Queensland, New South Wales, Western Australia and South Australia. The relevant RDO will work with each group to identify regionally-specific issues facing onion growers and work with them to host seasonal activities, including demonstration sites, field days, and grower walks.
A wide range of communications outputs will also be delivered to onion growers, including:
- The quarterly Australian Grower magazine, with 36 pages of dedicated onion content
- The AUSVEG Weekly Update e-newsletter, with onion content
- A range of onion-focused content such as videos, podcast, case studies, factsheets, media releases and social media.
- An annual disease alert poster.
This project has been funded by Hort Innovation, using the research and development levies listed below and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture.