The trade balance lost further ground by $74 million in 2013-14. The value of imports increased vegetable by 12% from the previous year to $758 million while the value of exports increased by 4% to $256 million. The deficit of imports over exports fell to $502 million. The negative trade balance remained more than double the deficit of five years previous. Nine previous to this data, the vegetable trade balance was positive.
All four major categories of vegetable exports only experienced marginal changes in 2013-14. Processed exports experienced the most significant percentage fall of 15 per cent; however, this was more than offset by increases in fresh (3%), other (15%) and frozen (5%) vegetables. Fresh vegetables continued to be the largest category by a significant margin, accounting for 62% of the total value of vegetable exports in 2013-14.
New Zealand, Japan and Singapore had been the top three export destination countries for the last nine years. In 2013-14, Australian vegetable exports to Japan and New Zealand fell by 9% and 4% respectively. However, vegetable exports to Singapore increased by 11%. Japan continued to be Australia’s leading export destination, occupying 18% of the total market. More broadly, among the main export destinations there was a continual rise in exports to both the Asian and Middle East regions.
The total value of vegetable imports rose by 12% in 2013-14. Processed imports increased the most, growing by 19%, on 2012-13. In addition, frozen vegetable imports increased by 12 per cent whilst other vegetable imports increased by 7 per cent. Fresh vegetable imports were the only category that experienced a fall, around 3 per cent. Processed vegetable imports continued to be the largest types of imports in 2013-14, similar to 2012-13. Import pressure remained concentrated in both processed and frozen categories, combined occupying around 75% of the market.
New Zealand, China, the United States and Italy continued to be the major country of origin of imports in 2012-13, supplying 63% of total vegetable imports. The most notable feature was the increase in imports from both New Zealand (18%) and Italy (36%). Imports from China fell by 2%, equivalent to around $2 million in value.
AUSVEG Ltd makes this website available on the understanding that users exercise their own skill and care with respect to its use. Before relying on or altering any business practices users should carefully evaluate the accuracy, completeness and relevance of the information for their purpose and should obtain appropriate professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances.
Further reading
- Country of destination of exports by category
- Exported vegetables by value
- Top 10 exports by product by country (levied only)
- Country of origin of imports by category
- Imported vegetables by value
- Top 10 imports by product by country (levied only)
Related downloads
- Top twelve export destination countries 6yr to 2013-14 by Country
- Exports by product group 6yr to 2013-14 by Product
- Top twelve import origin countries 6yr to 2013-14 by Country
- Imports by product group 6yr to 2013-14 Product
- Balance of trade 6yr to 2013-14
Economic activities in the vegetable industry are funded by Hort Innovation, using the vegetable research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture. |